Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Font with Icons (Font-Awesome)

Hai Developers, here I introduce a website for Awesome Font. They provide lot of icons in their font elements. So we need not add images for icons, just use their fonts. It is very easy and simple. So our web page will load very fast. Please check the below link.


WAMP Server Offline Error

One day, when I was run my WAMP server, it goes to offline. I checked is there any applications (Skype, Antivirus etc.) are running simultaneously. Everything was okay, but WAMP still shows offline. Finally I found the reason. It is because of; I changed my local IP address previous day, which is also used in apache config file for LAN WAMP connection. I commented the line as shown below in apache httpd.conf file.


After that I restarted my WAMP server and it goes to online. :)